
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Espresso Epicode with Ben Brickson
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Ben Brickson The crux of the 80/20 principle is doing less and earning more. But the work still must get done. In this episode I talk to an expert in the field of hiring and recruiting, Ben Brickson. He is the founder of Talent Link, a Minnesota based recruiting firm with 15 years of experience. Ben goes into detail on how to overcome the challenge of competing with big businesses to attract workers. He answers everything you need to know to fill those empty positions how to reach the most candidates, including some referral sources you might not have considered. If you’re struggling to find good help, you won’t want to miss this one!
“I’m chasing… I’m putting them in my phone and calling them everyday.”
In this episode we discuss:
- 20:24 What will win over employees?
- 34:11 “New phone, who dis?“ The challenge of communicating with the new generation of workers
Resources from this episode:
Do you have a question for Ben? You can reach him at (612)964-6942 or bbrickson@talentlinkmn.com
Ben’s go to tool for candidate information https://www.zoominfo.com/
My favorite way to personalize interactions https://www.loom.com/
Guest suggestions? Email me at sid@the8020show.com
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Episode 22: Wesley Bloeme - Wise Guys
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Wesley Bloeme-Wise Guys At 26 years old, Wesley Bloeme, owner and founder of Wise Guys Pro-Wash, embodies the best qualities of the Millennial generation: utilizing the abundance of internet resources to become the master of his future. With YouTube and Audible as his teachers, this “wise guy” turned his summer side gig into a seven-figure business. Wesley recounts how his personal mantra of constant improvement enabled him to graduate from college debt free and earn the title of “Atlanta’s #1 Rated Power Washing Company”. You don’t want to miss this one!
“There’s a difference between obsessing and optimizing”
“I want to play the game of business trying to win, not trying not to lose”
In this episode we discuss:
- 5:20 Welsey answers why he chose power washing: “It made sense until I realized you had to know how to turn the machine on..”
- 10:03 Minimal changes, million dollar results? See how!
- 39:49 An “Audible” mindset; how to read a book to make lasting results
Resources from this episode:
Read more on the start up story at https://wiseguysprowash.com/ or connect directly with Wesley on https://www.voxer.com/ by searching for “wesleybloeme”
Already in the business and ready to take the next level? Check out the Huge Convention.
Just starting? Learn how to power wash just like Wesley did. https://www.pressurewashhelp.com/youtube
Keith Kalfas "The Window Cleaning Blueprint"
EClean Magazine https://www.ecleanmag.com/
Wesley’s favorite app to keep him accountable https://habitshareapp.com/
Paul Aker's "2 Second-Lean"
David Allen's "Getting Things Done"
Guest suggestions? Email me at sid@the8020show.com
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Episode 21: Let’s Hear Ellen Rohr!!
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Ellen Rohr Self-styled “dirty jobs girl” and “plumber’s wife”, Ellen Rohr is a firecracker and her insights are just as lively. As COO of Zoom Drain franchise, she found the silver lining in the pandemic. She and her team used the time to regroup and will “nearly double in size in short order”. Ellen is an industry icon, a columnist for Huffington Post and commentator for several business magazines.
Ellen might seem to have it all now, but the learning curve was steep and there were plenty of clogs along the way. Ellen’s wisdom flows freely as she recounts the mistakes she’s made and how you can avoid them. She dishes on everything from work fashion and marriage advise to getting your customers to pay more. Finally, Ellen spills the secret about the superpowers of the service industry and how to harness your teams hidden potential. Enjoy!
“You can raise your prices as often as you raise your self-esteem”
“It was super sexy, He taught me how to read a balance sheet”
In this episode we discuss:
- 15:18 How much should a contractor charge? You might be surprised by Ellen's answer
- 17:30 Make more money TODAY by following this advice…
- 42:53 This “game” just might fix all your problems: ”open your heart, open the books, let them play”
Resources from this episode:
Find Ellen’s podcast and many resources at Behind the Wall
Learn more about Ellen and get a copy of her book for FREE
Interesting in starting a franchise of your own? Check out zoomdrainfranchise.com
Guest suggestions? Email me at sid@the8020show.com
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Episode 20: Danny Kerr-From Poverty to Prosperity
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Danny Kerr-From Poverty to Prosperity What is 5 hours of your time worth? Danny Kerr, cofounder of Breakthrough Academy, has helped over 400 small service businesses maximize their growth and profits. He shares his cheat sheet on how to get back 5 hours of your time each week to invest in a more prosperous future. We discuss everything from franchising to systems to simplifying your business. Listen in to find out how Danny and his team have streamlined, automated, systematized their processes helping companies go from 1 million, to 20 million, and beyond.
In this episode we discuss:
- 14:19 Danny Kerr’s cheat sheet to saving 5 hours a week; “To make real change, it takes real time.”
- 28:44 Danny answers the question, “How can someone growing service business simplify it to increase profits?”
- 39:40 One last take away from Danny Kerr
Resources from this episode:
Learn more at www.btacademy.com
Danny Kerr’s challenge to help you get 5 hours back each week
Get the RECLAIM 5 HOURS PER WEEK tool here: https://trybta.com/8020
Guest suggestions? Email me at sid@the8020show.com
Get a resource pack at 8020servicebusiness.com
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review. Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Episode 19: Curt Kempton 2021
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Curt Kempton – As a former competitive mountain biker, Curt Kempton brings his diligence and enthusiasm to every endeavor. Curt’s latest project, Responsibid, perfectly aligned his ability as a sales psychology wizard with his experience as founder and former owner of 5 Star Window Cleaning. In this enlightening conversation, we discuss everything from how Curt keeps it fun to developing your company in such a way that you can fulfill your promises. Enjoy!
In this episode we discuss:
- 8:17 Redefining what productivity looks like
- 24:53 Designing the customer journey to attract the customer you want
- 51:30 Is your guarantee scary? Here's why it should be.
Resources from this episode:
If you want to test drive Responsibid, we have arranged special pricing just for our listeners. Click here for full details: Responsibid Special for 80/20
(If you try it out, we will send you a sexy 80/20 Show mug - email me the receipt here: sid@the8020show.com)
Check out the chat feature on get.responsibid.com/
Have questions? Get in touch with Curt at curt@symphosize.com
Curt Kempton's fav budgeting app www.youneedabudget.com/
Guest suggestions? Email me at sid@the8020show.com
Get a resource pack at 8020servicebusiness.com
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review. Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Episode 18: Perry Marshall and the Genius of 80/20
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Perry Marhsall wrote the best seller, 80/20 Sales and Marketing. You might also know him as the author of the world’s best selling book on internet advertising, Ultimate Guide to Google Ads, or possibly recognize his name from FORBES as one of the most expensive business strategists in the world, but Perry’s journey didn’t start that way. It started in the same place you may be at right now. Perry explains how one epiphany changed the trajectory of his life. Listen in as he discusses his journey from struggling industrial business to business sales guy, and certified “Amway Kool-Aid drinker”, to an influential business marketer.
We dig deep into the underlying principle behind the 80/20 concept. Our discussion is peppered with nuggets of knowledge you don’t want to miss: from chaos theory and fractals, to how the best start to your day will maximize your potential. His book and insights will revolutionize the way you market and run your business. Enjoy!
“The future belongs to the five percent who are not reactive, but proactive and strategic”
“One of the biggest levers that exists is how you spend the 30-60 minutes everyday”
In this episode we discuss:
- 10:34 Hear the story of that fateful day in 2003 that changed Perry’s life
- 15: 46 You’ll never believe the return you can receive with only 5% of the work
- 37:31 Perry explains the four different types of “work” and why you should be making space in your schedule for “renaissance time”
Resources from this episode:
Information on all things Perry, including free resources bit.ly\free8020book
Guest suggestions? Email me at sid@the8020show.com
Get a resource pack at 8020servicebusiness.com/
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
What’s New in Season 2?
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Season 2
New music
New style
New guests
and a whole lot more.
We release anew episode every Thursday.
interspersed with Micro episodes called "Espresso Episodes" that handle timely, current needs. These are topics that are hot right now.
I find the experts to answer the most widely asked questions, in real time.
See you on the show.

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Episode 17: The One with Joshua Latimer
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Josh upped our game
We have a series of "$10,000 Ideas" from our BBB mastermind.
When I told him about it, he simply stated he would share a $100,000 idea. And he did. Honestly, it's worth a whole lot more than that. Enjoy.
Resources from this episode:
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Episode 16: Meet Nick Thurston
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Nick Thurston…
Is not afraid.
He bought his uncle’s high rise window cleaning business in San Francisco.
He has rappelled off very tall buildings, and he is growing his business fearlessly.
His $10,000 idea might surprise you with it’s simple effectiveness. Don’t miss his low cost way of getting huge clients.
Meet Nick Thurston
Resources from this episode
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More
for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Episode 15: with Brandon Vaughn
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Brandon Vaughn is one of the most dynamic operators, and business builders in our industry. One great key to his success:
He executes quickly.
He takes fast action.
You are gonna love this episode.
Automate Grow Sell and the Conquer Coaching Program AGSconquer.com
Get Perry Marshall's 80/20 Sales And Marketing for 1 Penny + Shipping.