
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Episode 4: The One with Jared Skinner
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Meet Jared Skinner
How can you add $200 - 400 extra weekly profit for 2 -3 minutes of work?
You will find out when Jared reveals his BBB $10,000 idea. Sometimes, pockets of profit are super simple and right under your nose.
Jared worked in the financial services markets (stocks, options, commodities, FOREX) and later ran a crew that marketed pest control (they added over $2 million of recurring annual revenue in under 6 months).
Now the owner of VUE Window Cleaning in Denver CO, he is in his 6th season. And making waves in the market place. Get ready to simplify and profit.
Show Resources
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Episode 3: The One with Mike Dahlke
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Meet Mike Dahlke
His business adventures started when he grew a company from $60,000 to over $3 million.
The journey hasn't been all roses (his first employee showed up on the first day wearing a t shirt that said, "This is My Beer Drinking Shirt") as you will hear.
Mike started the BBB - Business Bourbon and Bullsh** - and built a framework for "The $10,000 Idea" he executed the idea he shared to the group. A simple idea that pulled over $120,000 of new proposals for a measly $400.
ALSO...at the 10 minute mark, Mike reveals his concept of "_____ not _____." When you grasp it, you will freak out at the simplicity and power of this idea. He is smart, insightful, modest and loves the whole business enchilada. You WILL learn a ton from Mike. Grab a notepad. This one is hot.
See you on the show.
"Things They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School" by Mark McCormack
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Episode 2: The One with Dan Platta
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Meet Dan Platta
Although he mans the helm of a multi million dollar cleaning service company in Minnesota, Dan is as humble as you can get. But when he reveals his $10,000 idea, make sure you have a pen and paper ready. His "Apex Method" can catapult you into a new dimension in your business.
Contact Dan Platta: dplatta@blueskieservices.com
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Episode 1: The One with Bobby Walker
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Bobby Walker - Man of Action
Not only does Bobby look like Stone Cold Steve Austin (probably even better looking),
he is also a business execution badass. Downsized from his corporate job, he vowed
to build a business and secure a more solid future for his family.
A true man of action, Bobby started his cleaning business, TRT, the same day he
left the corporate world behind. Filled with humor, energy, and an infectious
attitude - you are going to love Mr. Walker.
And when you hear the 2 sentences he says to every customer that gained an extra $4,000 in weekly revenue at the time we recorded... well, you are going to really love this guy!
You might even applaud.
Now meet Bobby Walker - man of action.
Bobby Walker's Podcast "The Journey of the New Entrepreneur"
Keith Kalfas Window Cleaning Blueprint on YouTube
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!

Saturday May 04, 2019
Episode 0: The 80/20 Principle
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
So what's this all about?
What is the 80/20 Principle, and how can you harness it in your business and life to "Work less, Earn more, and Be free?"
This short intro gives you the lowdown, and will set the framework to see how small efforts can bring you huge results.
Welcome to the 80/20 Show.
Quick Bio
Hi. I'm Sid Graef and I own 2 boutique service businesses in western Montana.
Both are highly automated and profitable. One is a window cleaning company with 15+ employees
and the other is an auto detailing company with 4 employees.
We started the window cleaning in 2003 and ran it as a typical owner operator for a decade.
When we decided to grow and automate it, we went from averaging 100 new customers a year,
to over 100 new customers a month. Now, it runs almost completely without me. (I still like to handle the marketing and PR)
We bought the auto detail business in 2017. It consisted of a box of odd supplies and a website.
It now generates a mid 6 figure revenue, and we detail hundreds of cars per year.
But I have only detailed 1 car personally.
The 80/20 Service Business Podcast (the 80/20 Show) was started as a collaboration between Mike Dahlke and me, with the purpose of helping you build a better, stronger, more automated and profitable business by harnessing the natural laws of business, leveraging the 80/20 principle and working less. A lot less.
It is based on helping you build a business that serves you. Not the other way around.
Resources from this episode
The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
Get a copy of Perry Marshall's excellent book 80/20 Sales and Marketing - The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Making More for one penny plus shipping (we worked out a special deal for our listeners) Just click here
If you like the show, tell your friends, share on social media, subscribe on iTunes (or wherever you listen) and give us a review.
Why? Because it will help someone improve their life and business. Thanks!